[Shoot] Midnight Call 1


It's 23:59. 1 minute to start a new day. Maybe there's hope.
Shaw的公寓响起了电话铃声。她看了一下手机,It was ROOT.
“Oh great! Just when I was going to sleep.”Shaw皱起眉头,还是接了电话。
“Root?What's wrong?”
“Hey Shaw. Did I just wake you up?I'm sorry but I need you. It's urgent .”Root的声音透过电话传来,感觉有点奇怪。
门外响起了敲门声,“May I come in?”
…Of course She is outside the door,Shaw无奈的翻了个白眼,起身开了门。
Root斜靠在门边,深红色的宴会礼服,白皙的大腿大半裸露在外,胸前也是一片耀眼的雪白,精致的妆容,性感的长卷发搭在肩上,笑容妩媚的看着一脸你最好有a really damn good reason to trouble me的Shaw。
“Hi Sameen…Did you miss me?”
“Why are you here dressing like that?I thought you were in danger.”Shaw转身回到沙发上,看着跟在她身后的root。
Root在Shaw身旁坐下,“I am,这也是我来找你的原因。I need a place to stay。”Root将身体贴向Shaw,Shaw甚至可以闻到她的呼吸里残留的酒香。
“Are you drunk?”
“Just a little whiskey.Samaritan is looking for me,I could use your help。Can I stay?”
“Sure,”Shaw起身回到卧室,threw herself into the bed。Root在她旁边的空处躺下。
“Thank you sameen,for saving me a position in your bed。”
“Shut up and sleep。”root幽幽的叹了一口气
“It's my birthday. I am happy that you're here。”
“Happy Birthday。”这次轮到root沉默了,不知道是不是因为太感动。
“It's work。”root望着眼前的人,突然有点恍惚,好像这样的时光是偷来一般,那么不真实,不知道是不是那些whisky的副作用。
“I wish we could meet more often Sameen. You know, I always think you're special。”
“With Samaritan on the run,I think it's not possible.”Shaw把视线移到天花板上。
“You're avoiding, Shaw.”
“I asked Harold to send you a message for me if it's necessary . He said that you already knew.”
“Do you really know?”
“Know What?”
“How I feel about you.”Root声音里明显的哀伤,仿佛是告别一般,最后的告白。
“Root—,I'm not able to do things like that.”
“Really? Maybe you just don't want to. ”
“Don't run away from me.”Root的声音有点颤抖,她的呼吸开始加速,whisky的酒劲上来了。
Shaw asked herself。但是很快,root唇间微凉的温度打乱了她的思路。

--------------------写作好难…其实我只是想写一篇肉文。。因为没得看了= =结果到现在才写了这么点 0.0 唉 明天有课 睡觉了。


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